I wrote a post earlier, I was hoping a few more people could write their opinion (side) on it.

I really appreciate it!

5 answers

Or let me know what I can include in my speech that will make my stand stronger
I personally agree with GuruBlue.

The big holdup with this argument is whether life starts at conception or when the fetus can live outside the mother's womb.
Google life starts conception.
But isn't the situation the same, either way. I mean lets say we do believe that life starts at conception, then..?

I'm not sure I even understand this enough to do a speech on it. I'm going to do some research of my own
If life starts at conception, then any abortion is murder. All religions and secular governments condemn murder and punish offenders severely.

The pro-choice people argue that since life starts when a fetus can live outside the womb, abortion before that time is not murder. The fetus, in their view, is a part of the mother's body.