”I would like to call this first meeting of union representatives and manage-

ment to discuss quality issues to order,” said Senior VP Raul Chavez.”As you
all should now, we must either significantly increase quality or we will lose
virtually all of our current contracts.” Denise Wallace interjected, “The union
has drawn up a list of actions for both union members and management

take and I previously sent a copy to Andy Dobbins.” Dobbins, Senior Op-
erations Manager, held up the list and said, “I’ve looked over the list and
most of these are workable. I’ve also added a few ideas from management.”
Raul looked around the table and said, “May I suggest we look over every-
thing we have to date, change or make additions to that and come to a con-
sensus on actions managers and union members can take?” The others nod-
ded in agreement. What conflict characteristics are present here?

feud mentality
everyone syndrome
going for broke
me syndrome
you syndrome
problem-solving mentality
A) 2 and 6
B) 1, 3, 4, and 5
C) 2, 4, 5, and 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6