I found these links via a simple Google search, but I've also asked others among the Jiskha tutors to respond to you. Be sure to bookmark this particular message's URL so you can check back again and again.
I wonder if your science experts can be help find material (general information, word lists) in English which is needed to talk about biodiversity in water and waterways and microbiological analysis of water. This would be for biologists who are familiar with the subject but don't know the English equivalents.
Thank you...
3 answers
Read this article. You will find a lot of terms in it.
Mr. Firman invited his friend, Mr. Nulty, to come over and have dinner with him and Mrs. Stoner. The maid fixes a big dinner for the three of them, and when they were ready for dessert, she brings a cake out for Mr. Nulty because it was his fifty-ninth birthday. The candles were lit and the lights are turned out so that he could blow out the candles in the dark. Mrs. Stoner then begins to clear the table of the food and dishes.