I was woundering by any chance were you able to help me figureout how to set up the essay as an outline according to my assingment about the government being monopoly or oligopoly stuff. From yesterday postages?
2 answers
My apologies i did not see the continuation of postages. Thanks for helping me out in setting it up.....
Here's what I posted yesterday.
As I understand it, in the early days of U.S. radio (1903 - 1946), the government did foster a few companies to control radio.
Here's an outline you may be able to use.
I. Introduction.
Include the basic statement (The U.S. government fostered . . .)
In a sentence, explain why the government did this.
Briefly give your opinion about whether it was beneficial or not. This will be your thesis statement.
II. Historical background and reasons for the government's actions.
III. Disadvantages of government support
This may take several paragraphs.
IV. Advantages of government support
This may also take several paragraphs.
V. Conclusion
Repeat your thesis statement with a summary of your supporting reasons.
Be sure to include the vital parts that your assignment requires.
As I understand it, in the early days of U.S. radio (1903 - 1946), the government did foster a few companies to control radio.
Here's an outline you may be able to use.
I. Introduction.
Include the basic statement (The U.S. government fostered . . .)
In a sentence, explain why the government did this.
Briefly give your opinion about whether it was beneficial or not. This will be your thesis statement.
II. Historical background and reasons for the government's actions.
III. Disadvantages of government support
This may take several paragraphs.
IV. Advantages of government support
This may also take several paragraphs.
V. Conclusion
Repeat your thesis statement with a summary of your supporting reasons.
Be sure to include the vital parts that your assignment requires.