I was wondering if someone could please help me thanks so much. My computer screen is all messed up.. It looks like I watching a wide screen program I have to use the arrows (left, right) to see all of the words .

2 answers

If you have WindowsXP, try this:

Click on Start and then go to Settings and then Control Panel.

Click on Display and then on the Settings tab.

Play around with the sliding bar in the Screen Resolution box until it looks good to you. (Mine is pushed all the way to the right, but my parents' is in the middle somewhere.)

If you have Vista, it's all there somewhere, but maybe by a different route. The main point is to get to the Control Panel and then the Display controls.

If you have a Mac, I don't know what to say! Sorry. Maybe someone who does have a Mac around here can help if that's what you have.

Let us know.
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