I was wondering if I could please get some help. I am having trouble with this Essay. thank you very much for your help in advance
Ok this is the scenario..
Your favorite cusin has moved to your area and is looking for a job. Since she had previously worked only as a cashier at a department store, she plans to apply at simiar stores. But you know she has many talents. In fact, you think sheis a perfect candidate for a job opening where you work. Your boss is looking for a reliable assistant. You think she'd get along with the boss and you'e sure she'd be good at the job.
Your goal is to presuade you cousin to apply for the job. You decide to e-mail her a paragraph with the specifics of the job and the reasons she should apply
Note use informal tone, but take care to use correct business writing to show you take your recommendation seriously.
Now here is the trouble ..
I don't know how to start the paragraph like an e-mail I have a few ideas but I just can't seem to get it right this is what I have so far
There has been several events in my cousins life that she has shared with me such has helping out at our local hospital at the information desk. I went to high school with her and I can remember she always helped the school nurse in any way she could. The school nurse even had mentioned to her that she should consider a job in the medical field. My cousin's parents wanted her to become something else, so they din't encourge her, in this field. She didn't have much confidence in herself because of her parent's lack of confidence in her.
4 answers
You might consider starting something like this:
Hi Cuz,
Have I got a job for you! My boss needs an assistant, and you'd be perfect for this position.
Please complete this email -- and we'll be glad to comment on it.
I am in a bit of a pickle at the moment.
I have my English (4U) ISP due on Tuesday - a 1000 word comparative essay on the novels "Angela's Ashes" and "The Woman Who Walked Into Doors" ....and I'm a little lost.
What to compare? The authors style? The main themes? Different teachers want different things, right?
Does comparing involve only the things that link them, or should I be adding also the things that make them different?
I know it seems silly that I've never done a comparative essay before - and yes I have checked various sites with my queries, but I definetley need some real-live help.
I'm also worried about making it too cut-and-dry - I'm sure my teacher will have no place in her heart for another boring essay to be made to read.
So... pretty much ANY help would be good help at the moment, having read the books or not.
Site links, tips, example essays.... anything.
Thanks a bundle you guys!!