I was wondering if anyone could help me with these questions. I have put what I feel are the correct answers. Please let me know if I did ok & thanks.

1- A woman who recently came home from a tropical vacation now has abdominal pain and diarrhea. Her blood test results show an elevated eosinophil level. Which of the following organisms is most likely the cause of her illness?

A. bacteria
B. worm
C. virus
D. fungus

Answer: C

2- In adults, erythropoiesis occurs in?

A. all bones
B. the spleen and liver
C. the liver
D. short and flat bones

Answer: A

3- The P wave on an ECG is described as a positive deflection that corresponds to?

A. atrial repolarization and contraction
B. atrial depolarization and contraction
C. atrial depolarization and relaxation
D. ventricle repolarization and relaxation

Answer: C

4- An elderly woman develops calf pain while walking down the block, which is relieved by resting. She then walks for another block, and she again develops the same pain that resolves with rest. This condition is called?

A. hemiplegia
B. dysphasia
C. claudication
D. phlebitis

Answer: D

5- How would you correctly describe the location of the heart?

A. anterior to the sternum, medial to the thoracic vertebrae, and superior to the diaphragm
B. posterior to the sternum, anterior to the thoracic vertebrae, and superior to the diaphragm
C. posterior to the sternum, anterior to the thoracic vertebrae, and inferior to the diaphragm
D. inferior to the sternum, anterior to the thoracic vertebrae, and superior to the diaphragm

Answer: D

6- the treatment for polycythemia vera is?

A. iron
B. vitamin b12
C. hydroxyurea
D. phlebotomy

Answer: B

7- RHO Gam is administered to Rh negative mothers to prevent which of the following conditions?

A. erythroblastosis fetalis
B. pernicious anemia
C. thrombocytopenia
D. sickle cell anemia

Answer: D

8- which of the following organs doesn’t empty its blood into the portal circulation?

A. left atrium, left ventricle, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, right atrium, right ventricle
B. right atrium, left atrium, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, right ventricle, left ventricle
C. right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery, left atrium, right ventricle
D. right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, left atrium, left ventricle

Answer: B

9- a woman suffering from a pulmonary embolism is successfully treated with a medication that dissolves blood clots. Which of the following likely preceded the symptoms?

A. atherosclerosis
B. blood clot traveling from the legs to the lungs
C. blood clot in leg arteries
D. gangrene

Answer: A

10- you’re having a conversation with your grandfather when you notice that he’s having a hard time speaking and lifting up his right hand. You call for an ambulance that takes him to the local emergency room; there, the doctor orders a computed tomographic (CT) scan of his head. This CT scan will most likely show a lesion in the?

A. left cerebrum
B. right cerebrum
C. left cerebellum
D. right cerebellum

Answer: D

11- when comparing the blood smears of patients with intact spleens to those of patients without spleens, the blood smears of patients without spleens will likely reveal?

A. many more fragile and old erythrocytes
B. many more lymphocytes and monocytes
C. many more bacteria
D. less red blood cells

Answer: B

12- your brother develops a fever, extreme fatigue, and enlarged lymph nodes throughout his body. If his illness is caused by a virus, the best treatment is?

A. chemotherapy and radiotherapy
B. antivirals
C. surgery
D. bed rest

Answer: B

13- one of the distinguishing characteristics between HIV and AIDS is?

A. the length of time since the HIV infection
B. the mode of transmission of the HIV infection
C. the development of opportunistic infections
D. the types of treatment available

Answer: A

14- if an antibiotic kills off resident flora in your intestine, causing an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, which of the following is a likely consequence?

A. dizziness and headaches
B. pallor
C. skin irritation
D. diarrhea

Answer: D

15- a woman who had measles as a child gets the disease again after her younger brother contracts the disease. This probably occurred because of a defect in what mechanism?

A. viral mutation
B. artificial acquired immunity
C. natural acquired immunity
D. passive immunity

Answer: C

16- a man who was bitten by a bee develops difficulty breathing and faints. Which of the following measures should be taken?

A. start performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation
B. tie a tourniquet at the site of the sting
C. administer an injection of adrenaline
D. apply pressure to the site of the sting

Answer: C

17- despite hospital workers’ best efforts to clean all equipment properly, some patients get infected from this source. This is an example of which mode of transmission?

A. fomite transmission
B. contact transmission
C. airborne transmission
D. vehicle transmission

Answer: B

18- which of the following enzymes is involved in the digestion?

A. trypsin
B. amylase
C. lipase
D. steapsin

Answer: A

19- which of the following statements is true regarding carbohydrates?

A. the energy content of carbohydrates is slightly more than twice that of fats
B. all carbohydrates are absorbed and taken into the cells
C. excess carbohydrates can be stored as simple sugars in the body
D. excess carbohydrates can lead to obesity

Answer: C

20- when comparing the left and right lungs, it can be said that?

A. the right lung is divided into two lobes, whereas the left lung has three lobes
B. the left lung is broader but smaller to accommodate the liver
C. the right lung is narrower and smaller to accommodate the heart
D. the right lung is shorter to accommodate the displaced diaphragm

Answer: B

21- when discussing the role of lipids in the human body, it can be said that?

A. excess protein can be converted to lipids
B. lipids serve as insulation against environmental heat
C. lipids contain no useful vitamins
D. lipids are stored in the liver

Answer: D

22- a person taking an anticoagulant for a pulmonary embolism accidently cut his hand. The cut won’t stop bleeding. Administration of which of the following vitamins may help stop the bleeding?

A. vitamin b2
B. vitamin b12
C. vitamin e
D. vitamin k

Answer: D

23- a patient develops anuria and begins having headaches, dyspnea, and vomiting. What can be done to keep this patient from going into a coma or dying?

A. administration of antibiotics
B. administration of anti-inflammatories
C. urgent surgery
D. hemodialysis

Answer: A

24- when comparing tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, and anthrax, which of the following is true?

A. vaccination has reduced the incidence of tuberculosis and anthrax
B. there’s a diagnostic skin test for pertussis and diphtheria
C. tuberculosis and anthrax can affect many different parts of the body
D. tuberculosis and anthrax are viral infections

Answer: C

25- a man with a long history of increased blood cholesterol levels has to have part of his carotid artery removed because a blockage has developed there. If the carotid bodies are removed during this procedure, which of the following is most likely to occur?

A. the respiratory center will become less sensitive to depressants
B. the lungs will overinflate and potentially explode
C. the diaphragm will lose some of its ability to generate negative pressure
D. the respiratory rate may not increase as effectively in response to low levels of oxygen

Answer: D

26- which of the following is a correct statement about proteins?

A. proteins can be formed from carbohydrates
B. the human body can synthesize all the amino acids it needs to survive
C. when excess protein is ingested, the liver breaks down this excess, which is excreted as urea
D. the body can store all excess proteins

Answer: C

27- when comparing the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals across all life-stage groups, it can be said that?

A. infants require more vitamin c than children
B. lactating women require more folate than pregnant woman
C. more iron is required by teenage males compared with teenage females
D. as age goes up, so does the phosphorus requirement

Answer: A

3 answers

2.d 3.b 5.b 6.d 7.a 8.c-kidney
when comparing hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis,it can be said that
Peritoneal dialysis doesn't need a dialyzer to work, whereas hemodialysis does.