I was unable to stop. I kept going and going, something was out there which was bringing me closer to itself.
14 answers
Ms. Sue this is the first part I'll post the other one...
This couldn't be a nightmare, everything seemed so realistic. As I approached to where I was being lead I saw a creepy, mysterious, old house.
I suggest you put a period after the second "going." Then your last sentence in that part would be:
Something was out there which was bring me closer to it.
For the second part, use a semicolon after nightmare.
I suggest you put a period after the second "going." Then your last sentence in that part would be:
Something was out there which was bring me closer to it.
For the second part, use a semicolon after nightmare.
The atmosphere around me
w a s really creepy.
w a s really creepy.
As I made a step, the ice below my feet crunched.
I could hear howls and groans somewhere near.
I could smell mold
plud stale tobacco
and s t a l e t o b a c c o
Looks great!
"plus stale tobacco"
"plus stale tobacco"
A dead tree in front of the house was staring right at me. Dark shadows began to surround me, I was scared. I looked up and saw that it was just the thunderclouds in the dark blue sky.
Before I entered in the house, I looked in the window to check to see if it was safe. It sure didn't look like it. There were cobwebs everywhere. I touched the dusty door handle, and went right in. There was murky darkness everywhere. I couldn't turn back yet, there was something here.
I went upstairs and saw black mold on the faded wallpaper. There it was, right on the shelf, there was a picture, and I couldn't see very clearly, it was too dark. I decided to go back outside to identify the picture. As I made my way downstairs,
I forgot which door I came out from. There were two doors, one to the right of me, and one to the left. They both looked the same, very slimy. I picked the left door, and made my way towards it. I opened it up, and saw something.
There was a grave in the yard. I went towards it and saw that it was my grave. This was impossible, this couldn't be. Just then I remembered about the picture. I saw it and it was ME. The environment around me was changing. I was being sucked into the grave. No, I couldn't be.
Ms. Sue there is some sentences in here which I dislike. Could you please edit this and give me your suggestions. I don't like my intro and conclusion. Please help, thanks a bunch:-)
Before I entered in the house, I looked in the window to check to see if it was safe. It sure didn't look like it. There were cobwebs everywhere. I touched the dusty door handle, and went right in. There was murky darkness everywhere. I couldn't turn back yet, there was something here.
I went upstairs and saw black mold on the faded wallpaper. There it was, right on the shelf, there was a picture, and I couldn't see very clearly, it was too dark. I decided to go back outside to identify the picture. As I made my way downstairs,
I forgot which door I came out from. There were two doors, one to the right of me, and one to the left. They both looked the same, very slimy. I picked the left door, and made my way towards it. I opened it up, and saw something.
There was a grave in the yard. I went towards it and saw that it was my grave. This was impossible, this couldn't be. Just then I remembered about the picture. I saw it and it was ME. The environment around me was changing. I was being sucked into the grave. No, I couldn't be.
Ms. Sue there is some sentences in here which I dislike. Could you please edit this and give me your suggestions. I don't like my intro and conclusion. Please help, thanks a bunch:-)
Sorry, this whole paragraph was actually supposed to be together, but for some reason it wouldn't let me post.
Sara -- I think this is excellent!
I suggest you let it sit overnight and then come back to it tomorrow. Then you'll be better able to change the sentences you don't like.
By the way -- it's almost impossible to write a really good piece of work in one sitting. My husband was an author of several published books. He wrote his first draft in longhand, let it sit a day or two, made some changes, and then I typed this draft. He revised and revised at least three times before he finally felt it was ready to be sent to the publisher.
I suggest you let it sit overnight and then come back to it tomorrow. Then you'll be better able to change the sentences you don't like.
By the way -- it's almost impossible to write a really good piece of work in one sitting. My husband was an author of several published books. He wrote his first draft in longhand, let it sit a day or two, made some changes, and then I typed this draft. He revised and revised at least three times before he finally felt it was ready to be sent to the publisher.
Thanks Ms. Sue. I'll revise it today and post it in like an hour, because it's due tom.