I was hoping that someone might be able to help me. I am doing a research project. to the questions below. I was wondering if you might know of any web-sites that might be able to help me. I have to use appropriate citation through out my paper and I have to attach a reference page. I am not undersanding what that means. I never did a research paper before. We talked about it very quiclky in class but that is it. Thanks again for all of your help.
Questions for research
1. Does HIPPA affect the patient's access to his pr her medical records ? If so, describe the effect and the procdure for obtaining access.
2. Under what circumstances can personal information be used for purposes unrelated to help care. there are at least 12
3 Are there requirements for covered entites to have written privacy policies, If so what has to e addressed in the policy.
4. How will employees in the medical office have to be trained regaurding privacy( for example , who is responsinble for taining and record keeping) ? What is required if an employee doesn't follow the privacy policy? Whn must employees be trained? In what matter?
Know I know a few answers to the questions above but I just to to obtain more information any help would be great thanks so much :)