I assume by concave down you mean it holds rather than sheds water.
1. agree
2. agree
3. agree
4. Unless they say it is a parabola, You can not say Simpson's rule (the parabolic one -second order) is exact. So agree, can not tell.
I was given a decreasing concave down graph of the integral F(x) from 0-8.
i have to say whether the following are greater then, less then,equal to, or unable to determine each other
1. T (greater then) M
2. T (greater then) R
3. M (less then) S
4. S ? actual integral
t=trapazoidal rule
r=right end points
are these right?
I said you weren't sure with simpsons whether it was greater than or less than the integral so it would be a ?
the others were determined based on increasing/decreasing and concavity
1 answer