. She squirmed and fidgeted in her seat, completely oblivious to my own anxiety. I tried to take deep breaths and focus on the task at hand, but my mind kept racing with all the things I needed to do before the party.
Finally, I tied the ribbon in a perfect bow and stood back to admire my handiwork. Bonnie's hair looked adorable, but my heart was still pounding with nerves. I tried to push the feeling aside and smiled at Bonnie, trying to muster up some excitement for her big day.
As we headed out the door to the party, I took a deep breath and reminded myself to just take things one step at a time. I couldn't control everything, but I could do my best to make sure Bonnie had a wonderful time. And with that thought in mind, I took Bonnie's hand and walked with her towards the festivities, ready to face whatever challenges came my way.
i was felling frantic and almost feverish as i combed Bonnie's hair and added the ribbon
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