huh? negatives are just numbers, like positives.
z^5 = -1 = 1 cisπ
z = 1^(1/5) cis(π/5)
but since cisπ = cis3π = cis5π, etc., to get all the values from 0 to 2π,
z = 1 cis(π/5 k) where k = 1,3,5,7,9
Reiny went over this with you. There are 5 5th-roots of -1. 4 of them are complex, and one of them is real: -1.
I want to solve z^5=-1
But all the examples I've seen use positive numbers. The -1 is throwing me off somewhat.
Most of the examples I've worked with would be solved using the polar form I.e
Z^5(cos5+i sin5)=1(cospi +i sinpi)
But as I said negative numbers I'm finding confusing.
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