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i want to make sure i am answering this correctly.
1) the primary source of energy for ocean currents and waves is: the sun
2)as a wave passes in deep water, water parcels move in: almost closed circular orbits
3)which of the following is not a feature of simple waves? options are: (crest , through, wavelength, surf) my answer is surf
4)which of the folowing is true of deepwater waves?(they are in water deeper than 1/2 wavelength, they are unaffected by th ebottom, wave speed is independet of water depth, all of the above) my answer is they are unaffected by the bottom.
5) waves in a generating area are not: (chaotic, choppy, smoth-crested, under the infuence of the winds that formed them)my answer under the influence of the winds that formed them
2 answers
I am with you on one two and three but have doubts about 4 and 5
4)which of the folowing is true of deepwater waves?(they are in water deeper than 1/2 wavelength, they are unaffected by th ebottom, wave speed is independet of water depth, all of the above) my answer is they are unaffected by the bottom.
The decay of orbital velocities is exponential with depth and indeed if the water is more than half a wavelength deep we usually consider it deep water and no effect from the bottom
HOWEVER one consequence of that is that the phase and group velocity of the wave depends only on wavelength and not on depth, so both are true.
5) waves in a generating area are not: (chaotic, choppy, smoth-crested, under the infuence of the winds that formed them)my answer under the influence of the winds that formed them
Surely in the generating area the waves ARE influenced by the generating winds, assuming that they are wind generated waves and not generated by a boat or tsunami or something. In my own experience new waves tend to be choppy and long waves far from the storm tend to be smooth crested.
4)which of the folowing is true of deepwater waves?(they are in water deeper than 1/2 wavelength, they are unaffected by th ebottom, wave speed is independet of water depth, all of the above) my answer is they are unaffected by the bottom.
The decay of orbital velocities is exponential with depth and indeed if the water is more than half a wavelength deep we usually consider it deep water and no effect from the bottom
HOWEVER one consequence of that is that the phase and group velocity of the wave depends only on wavelength and not on depth, so both are true.
5) waves in a generating area are not: (chaotic, choppy, smoth-crested, under the infuence of the winds that formed them)my answer under the influence of the winds that formed them
Surely in the generating area the waves ARE influenced by the generating winds, assuming that they are wind generated waves and not generated by a boat or tsunami or something. In my own experience new waves tend to be choppy and long waves far from the storm tend to be smooth crested.