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I'm continuing to work on the proposal review for the week. The writing strategy is first to identify all material that needs to be corrected and changed. Once the change is made, the updated proposal will be uploaded to the week three assignment. The strategy to obtain IRB forms is to click on form tabs once logged into the system. The forms needed will be the online survey, pilot studies, and informed consent forms. Once the forms are correctly filled, the goal is to store and maintain records appropriately. The University of ....... IRB is guided by The Belfort Report and focuses on respect for persons, beneficence, and justice
According to (2019), the IRB maintains a Human Research Protection Program to protect the rights and welfare of those who volunteer to participate in the research activities of our faculty, students, and staff. While the definitive responsibility for the ethical treatment of all human participants rests with the individual researcher who has secured the privilege to conduct research through the University of...... . The IRB acts as a regulatory oversight group committed to promoting the ethical and responsible treatment of volunteer human participants in a research study. The IRB performs ethical reviews of research studies to ensure research compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations as well as all institutional policies and procedures, in addition to offering education and guidance related to human subject research to the University community (, 2019). Chairs are listed as co-researchers on the IRB application.

1 answer

The chairs have the authority to make decisions regarding the ethical implications of research studies and are responsible for ensuring the protection of participants' rights and welfare. The IRB also collaborates with other institutional committees and organizations to coordinate reviews and provide guidance on research activities. Overall, the IRB plays a crucial role in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human participants in research studies conducted by the faculty, students, and staff of the University of.... The use of appropriate forms and adherence to the principles outlined in The Belfort Report demonstrates the commitment of the IRB to uphold ethical standards in research. By maintaining records appropriately and conducting ethical reviews, the IRB ensures that research activities at the University adhere to all necessary regulations and policies to protect the well-being of human participants.