i usually go to dictionary. c o m for words but isnt com USA? there is no dictionary . ca so that mean that pronounciation on dictionary site isnt canadain? i looking for canadian pronounciation.
8 answers
I don't think there is such a dictionary online. Accents vary from place to place in both Canada and the U.S. Use the pronunciations in any standard dictionary.
ok thank you ms. sue :) can I know if there is a pronounciation canadian voice thing online? like you type in a word and they say it in that canadian accent.
I didn't find any site like that. I suggest you ask a friend whose native language is English to pronounce some words for you.
ok thank you ms. sue :)
The only one I can suggest is the Oxford English Dictionary -- www.oed.com
You may have to create an account, and I don't know if it's free or not, but it's worth checking out.
You may have to create an account, and I don't know if it's free or not, but it's worth checking out.
Other places to check on are the library websites of various Canadian universities. Here's one:
thank you Writeacher for help i will try all those sites out :)
You're welcome!
Here's another idea to try.
1. Go to http://www.onelook.com
2. Enter the word.
3. The results will show up in different dictionaries -- look at the list at the left. You'll see this:
Compact Oxford English Dictionary
Here's another idea to try.
1. Go to http://www.onelook.com
2. Enter the word.
3. The results will show up in different dictionaries -- look at the list at the left. You'll see this:
Compact Oxford English Dictionary