I urgently need you to check this part for me. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

1) I go on the internet every day to conduct research on various school subjects. I normally go on google as a search engine to find answers to my homework.
2) I usually spend two hours on average on the Internet.Surfing the net is very time consuming and can turn into a real obsession. When they are on line, people food or sleep.
3) People who are on the net for 48 hours change their idea of reality and become entirely addicted to it. As a consequence, they often feel depressed and isolated.
4) Their career developments and relationships are ruined.
Psychologists believe that if people spend more time online than off line than it's time for them to go to the analyst.

1 answer

1) I go on the Internet every day to conduct research on various school subjects. I normally go on Google as a search engine to find answers to my homework questions.

2) I usually spend two hours on average on the Internet. Surfing the 'net is very time consuming and can turn into a real obsession. When they are on line, people often forget to eat or sleep.

3) People who are on the 'net for 48 hours often can change their ideas of reality and become entirely addicted to it. As a consequence, they sometimes feel depressed and isolated.

4) Their career development and relationships can be ruined. Psychologists believe that if people spend more time online than off-line, then it's time for them to go to the analyst.

Compare carefully ... =)