1) I would be been really disappointed to read that our German partner doesn't want your school to join in. Actually, we probably wouldn't be part of the partnership, either.
2) Though English is regarded as the international language for science, they wrote in the application module that their students would use not only English but also one of the partner languages (French or German) for their science reports! Our students don't study either French or German, so there is no point in their participation in the project.
3) Please let me know if you are still interested in working with us. I really hope your school will be part of the project with us.
I urgently need you to check these sentences. Thank you very much!
1) I'be been really disappointed to read that our German partner doesn't want your school to join in. Actually, we won't be probably part of the partnership, too.
2) Though English is regarded as the international language for science, they wrote in the application module that students can use not only English but one of the partner languages (French, German) to write their science reports! Our students don't learn either French or German and so there is no point for them to participate in the project. (or in their participating ...??)
3) Please, let me know if you are still interested in working with us.
I really hope in your cooperation.
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