I translated some of this but it's not making sense to me.
Here it is:
On dit qu'il faut etre actif pour apprecier la vie. Etes-vous d'accord? Que veut dire actif pour vous? Illustrez votre opinion avec vos propres experiences ou avec des experiences que vous avez observees dans la vie des autres.
Thanks for the help!!
Hope this helps!
It is said that it is necessary to be active to appreciate the life. Summers you of agreement? What wants to say active for you? Illustrate your opinion with your own experiments or experiments which you have observees in the life of the others.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. "It is said that one must be active in order to appreciate life. Do you aagree? What does active mean for you? Illustrate your opinion with your own experiences or with some experiences that you have observed in the life of others."
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