If this is for the industrial revolution, why did you put math, science, and literature first???
From the perspective of the general society, then trade and commerce would come first.
From the perspective of the workers, then division of labor is first.
From the perspective of the company owners, then technology may be first.
I think the order goes like this:
1. math,science, and literature
2. trade and commerse
3. division of labour (jobs)
4. technology
what do u think
if the order is wrong can show me put it right
please and thank you
2 answers
The agricultural revolution made us stop chasing our food because we started farming and it gave us free time. Now our free time helped us think of what we will do tomorrow. So which came after and so on.
your choices:
math,science, and literature
trade and commerse
division of labour (jobs)
please help and thank you
your choices:
math,science, and literature
trade and commerse
division of labour (jobs)
please help and thank you