i still don't know a good thesis statement for: students helping to stop global warming at school (topic)

please help
what is your suggestion of a good thesis statement

3 answers

Did you read through some of these sites?

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Before we help you devise a thesis statement, what are three ideas you've found that students can do to help stop global warming?
ideas students can do to help stop global warming:

1. change light bulbs to fluorescent ones

2. turn off computers when not in use

3. recycle

4. plant more trees

5. add automatic sinks to save water

6. lower the water in the toilet to use less water when you flush it

7. turn off lights when not in use
Great. You can combine 2 and 7 into turning off all electrical devices when not in use.

How about this for a thesis statement?

Students have an obligation to help prevent global warming.