I slowed still more, my shadow pacing me, dragging its head through the weeds that hid the fence.

— William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury

Question 1 (1 point)
In this sentence, form imitates meaning. How does Faulkner slow the sentence down, reinforcing the sentence’s meaning?

Your answer:
Question 2 (1 point)
How would the impact of the sentence change if we rewrote the sentence to read:

I slowed still more. My shadow paced me and dragged its head through the weed-obscured fence.

Your answer:
Question 3 (1 point)
Using Faulkner’s sentence as a model, write a sentence that expresses reluctance. Use at least two phrases and one subordinate clause to reinforce the meaning of your sentence. Share your sentence with your small group and explain how your syntax reinforces your meaning.

Your answer:

1 answer

Question 1:
In this sentence, Faulkner slows the sentence down by using a series of phrases that create a sense of dragging and reluctance. The use of "slowed still more" suggests an even greater reduction in speed, while the descriptive detail of "my shadow pacing me" and "dragging its head through the weeds" contributes to a feeling of lethargy and weariness. The imagery of the shadow moving slowly through the weeds evokes a sense of heaviness and a reluctance to move forward, mirroring the narrator's own struggle with slowing down.

Question 2:
If the sentence were rewritten as "I slowed still more. My shadow paced me and dragged its head through the weed-obscured fence," the impact of the sentence would change significantly. The use of shorter, more direct sentences eliminates the fluidity and lingering quality of the original. The rhythm created by Faulkner’s longer, more complex structure is lost, which diminishes the sense of reluctance and heaviness. The revised version feels more straightforward and lacks the emotional weight that the original sentence conveys, making the action appear less profound and introspective.

Question 3:
I hesitated before stepping onto the cracked pavement, my heart racing with doubt as the wind whispered reminders of my past.

In this sentence, the use of the subordinate clause "as the wind whispered reminders of my past" adds depth to the feeling of reluctance by introducing an external influence that reinforces the narrator's hesitation. The phrases "I hesitated before stepping" and "my heart racing with doubt" work together to create a sense of inner turmoil and resistance to moving forward, emphasizing the emotional struggle behind the action. The overall syntax creates a weighted, contemplative tone that reflects the narrator’s reluctance.