I saw that article on Google - that is actually how I got the idea to sublimate the naphthalene. But thank you for the suggestion! It makes me feel much more confident to know that I am on the right track! Thank you!
We have a lab where we have to separate five components. The components are naphthalene, NaCl, Iron filings, copper shot and sand. A similar question was posted back in October but without the naphthalene. Any suggestions on how best to do this? Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
Look for physical ways to separate these components. Iron filings can be separated with a magnet. NaCl is soluble in water. Naphthalene is an organic material soluble in organic solvents. Etc. We shall be happy to critique your thinking for the others.
So far, the research I've done says that I should sublime the naphthalene. I don't know if we'll be given the mixture already in an aqueous solution or if it will be more of a solid, so I suppose that will effect when I use the magnet to remove the iron. Let's say it's already in water. Would I sublime the naphthalene first, then filter out the sand, iron, and copper? The NaCl would already be dissolved in water, so I could evaporate that for the salt. Then the sand, iron, and copper mixture, use the magnet, and the separate the sand and copper with a seive? Or can I remove the iron even if it's already in water? Sorry if I sound like a complete idiot, I'm just talking through it.
You are on the right track. The trick is to use ice to condense the napthalene vapor.
See this:
(Broken Link Removed)
Sublimation to separate the naphthalene would be super. I expect you will be given the solid. The separation becomes a little more difficult if you are given it with water for some will be dissolved and some will not be dissolved. If a solid, a magnet would be first. Sublime the naphthalene next. NaCl then can be removed with water. That leaves the sand and copper shot. A sieve should do that. I saw one recently in which the student was not permitted to use a magnet.
As far as I know we haven't been given any limitations. The handout just states that there are many scientific techniques that can be used to separate mixtures such as distillation, centrifugation, filtration, differential solubility, etc., etc. So, I think, and hope we will be able to use magnet. If we can't, do you have any suggestions on how to do it, aside from by hand?
Actually, I just saw what you posted to the student who was not permitted to use the magnet, so I will just do as you suggest and shake and skim. Thank you so much for all of your suggestions. My lab partner and I sincerely appreciate it.
Iron is soluble in HCl but then you have a problem converting the FeCl2 back to Fe. Bob Pursley noted that a great way to help with sublimation is to use ice as a coolant. That works VERY well. I have seen it done with ice in a watch glass and the watch glass sits atop a beaker.
1 answer