I reposted to the other question but this is the exact directions:

Analyze & summarize the origin and subsequent evolution of our team's collective personal and workplace values and how they compare with your chosen company (ours is Microsoft)

4 answers

I am just not understanding what is being asjed for by the origin and subsequent evolution
Ahh! Thank you for the clarification. Now your question makes sense!

First, discuss personal and workplace values with all members of your team. Where did they get their personal values? I suspect most of us absorbed these values from our parents. I'll always remember what my Dad said when I was working in the clothing department of a large department store. I mentioned standing around when there was nothing to do at work. He berated me, stating that there is always something to do at work -- like straightening the merchandise.

After you and your team has thoroughly discussed your personal and workplace values, then you compare them with what you know about the values of Microsoft.
okay and subsequent evolution just means a prediciton of the future or what the companies future may old if they stick yo their present values, right?
The question asks two things:

How did the values start?
How did these values continue to grow?