I removed your post because it contained personal information that should never be posted in public.

What is your assignment? Are you supposed to summarize this act?

Here's the rest of your post.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 has established a set of national standards that protects and allows

patients to have more control over their personal health information. Therefore, HIPAA does affect the patient accessing his or her

own medical records. HIPAA allows a patient to either view or get a copy of his or her medical records and also address any corrections

that need to be made. In order to do this the patient must first request the corrections that need to be made or a copy of his or her medical

records by asking his or her doctor or by putting the request in writing which is highly recommended. This way the patient has a record

of his or her request and any important information such as when the patient filed the request. Usually the patient will receive his or her copy within 30 days of

making the request. If not the patient must be given a reason why the patient hasn't received it. When a patient requests a copy of his

or her medical records the patient usually will be charged a reasonable fee. This fee covers the staff time for copying the medical records

and also for mailing them if they are sent to the patient. Therefore, because of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act the

patient has access and more control over his or her personal health information.

HIPAA ensures that a patients personal health information is confidential and can't be used or disclosed unless there is proper

authorization. However there are certain circumstances that allows the patients personal health information to be used or disclosed that

is unrelated to health care. These circumstances are: 1)required by law 2)public health activities 3)victims of abuse, neglect, or domestic

violence 4)health oversight activities 5)judicial and administrative proceedings 6)law enforcement purposes 7)descendants 8)cadaveric

organ, eye, or tissue donation 9) research 10)serious threat to health or safety 11)essential government functions 12)workers compensation

13)risk of death or harm to oneself. These are the only circumstances that allows the patients personal health information to be obtained

without the patients authorization.