What do individuals need to do to help their team be most effective?
Also consider the purpose of the specific team. What are the differences between the team that develops a product and one that sells the product? What are the differences between an engineering team and an educational team?
I recently wrote a research proposal on teamwork and the only feedback given was to "focus on a specific aspect of teamwork". What does that mean and do you have any suggestions? I was thinking that she could be talking about why it's important or something along those lines. Any help is greatly appreciated.
4 answers
My proposal went along the lines of teamwork is more effective as can lead to better customer service, happy employees, etc... So the "aspect" she's talking about is What needs to be done for effective teamwork?
Yep. What do you think needs to be done?
Effective leadership and communication mainly. I think once you have those 2 down then everything else will follow suit. If you are a great leader and can communicate well then you can motivate, influence and effectively lead your team.