Your adverbs are correct.
These are your correct adjectives:
no, new, responsible, excited, first, two, confident, spending
I recently decided to apply for a credit card. I have absolutly no credit. When I received my new credit card I was extremely excited. I thought I was going to be responsible with my new credit card but I was not. The first thing I did was go to the mall. Just two hours after I received my card, I had maxed it out. My spending limit was a thousand dollars. I was overly confident in my ability to use my credit card responsibly.
Adverbs; Recently, absolutely, extremely, overly and responsibly.
Adjectives; decided, apply,no, received,new, responsible, thought, excited,first, go, two, maxed out, confident, ability, spending
Is that right?
3 answers
thank you. did i miss any adjectives?
The only adjective I see that you missed is thousand.