I really need your help to express a few things related to skiing. As a matter of fact, I don't know much about it. Thank you very much for your help.
1) Do you happen to know anything about an Ipad application called Siri, which should be able to send vocal messages? (this is a real question)
2) We spent the morning finding ski boots which fit my child ( or suitable ski boots for my son). They seemed to be either too tight or too big.
3) (At the end?) We hired (him?)a pair of skis, sticks (poles), a helm as well as the ski boots (for him) for five days. We paid 50 Euros for all ski equipment. Can you say “as a whole”, “in total”, “ all together” (I don't think it is correct).
4)We also bought a one-day ticket (ski pass? How do you call it) for my child and myself.
5) We had a snack for lunch. My son had a tomato and cooked ham sandwich and a glass of still water. We had (a) cheese-and-ham toasts.
6) We also booked a one-hour ski (or ski) lesson with a ski instructor for the early afternoon as well as a five-day group course starting from tomorrow.
1 answer
I don't know anything about it either, but you should find some good explanations in here: http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS379US379&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ipad+siri
2) We spent the morning finding ski boots to fit my son. They seemed to be either too tight or too big.
3) We ended up renting him some skis, poles, a helmet, and ski boots for five days. We paid 50 Euros for all the ski equipment.
Can you say “as a whole”, “in total”, “ all together” (I don't think it is correct). <~~I'd say, "overall."
4) I also bought one-day ski passes for my child and myself.
5) We had a snack for lunch. My son had a broiled ham and tomato sandwich and a glass of water.
We had cheese-and-ham toasts.
6) We also booked a one-hour ski lesson with a ski instructor for the early afternoon, as well as a five-day group course starting tomorrow.