I really need help with the other worlds unit test essay. I've been on it for like 2 weeks now and I can not figure this out. I read all the stories before winter break and now I cant remember anything. Anyone please help I just need like a base of what to even write.

Thank you.

39 answers

Jiskha is not affiliated with any school. We have no idea what you're talking about.

Reread the stories!
i don't have time to lol and my teacher wont help shes really rude.
No one is going to help you answer test questions. Tests assess what you know. If you don't show that you know anything, you fail!
lol rude i already passed the test just need help with the essay but thanks for ruining my day.
@help pls what are the answers?
Wow, you have to respect teachers. They are doing the best they can to help educate us so we can have a brighter future.
Ms. Sue your a annoying prick and you should get off jiskha if all you want to do it make kids feel stupid for asking for help take your negativity else where nobody wants you here more or less anywhere.
I mean... Mrs. Sue can be a B----- just saying. But she's a teacher and she's trying to help in HER eyes. Be a little more genuine and go back to 9th grade and learn your communication skills better. Seriously Mrs. Sue. (Honestly "sue" is my least favorite name)
sureeeee agreed :P
they are talking about connexus acadamy
Mrs.Sue take a chill pill
everybody needs to chill out, then again don't beg for answers like a lays potato chip bag
Yeah, JM has the right idea here
lmao these comments are making me die laughing
this is not weird at aall...
Teachers are supposed to help, not be a passive aggressive annoyance
lol xd
can somebody post all the answer just take oyu time out it takes a few minutes and can save all of us please?
Okay, so first of all, you can't come on here and expect answers without doing any work lmao. But yes, I agree, Mrs. Sue is no help. She just tells you to do your own work, instead of offering help. I also agree that the Connections Academy teachers are kinda rude, and the English teacher isn't much help when you aren't understanding something. I came here to look for better directions on the Critical Response essay but apparently I'm not the only one who doesn't understand it.. I get the idea of it but I need more detail on what exactly I'm writing.. If anyone has any advice on this, I'm all ears. >_<
Can someones just give the answers!!!
Here are all the answers @Trumpisgonnawin buddy trump lost lol
2 c
3 d
4 d
5 a
6 b
7 a
8 a
9 a
10 a
11 b
12 c
13 c
14 d
15 c
16 b
17 a
18 a
19 Your on your own
I chose The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Nethergrave. The other world in TSLOWM (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) is Walter's imagination. The other world in Nethergrave is a video game. In TSLOWM, Walter imagines things very clearly and it changes the way he sees thing from the way other people see things. In Nethergrave, Jeremy had been in a video game, and it was real (in the story). He was actually in the video game, whereas Walter was just imagining things.

The impacts that are similar were the fact that both were deceived but still had some truth in it. In TSLOWM, Walter was deceived by his imagination, but he came out of his imagination here and there and saw reality. In Nethergrave, Jeremy was deceived by two of his friends and one told the truth. His two friends that lied about their lives were boys, and his friend that told the truth about their life was a girl.

If you want a good grade then switch some words around and use your own ideas. don't just copy and paste, unless you switch some words around and change some sentences so that teachers cant track down your answer.
bruh, I see we all did this today
Lesson 9: Other Worlds: Unit Test
English 9 Foundations A Unit 4: Other Worlds

bro those answers were so wrong its not even funny:
Umm so I’m guessing that we’re all in the same school 😂
so courtney are they correct?
I got 12/18 the correct answers are

19. Read @tqshaa_ response
''we arent associated with any schools'' , why the website then? , someone clearly put time and effort for people to use this to get help from teachers or maybe even answers from this website, ''not assiciated with any schools'' then this website wouldve been useless and empty, like fr you have to step up your game and understand that most of us students online are having a hard time and undergoing stress with other family business that twists our mind, so as a student we tend to ''cheat'' on our assignments and look for answers here because most of us don't want to waste our time reading articles and getting lost in the first paragraph, and once read, we might have not learned anything and that entire article was a complete waste of time. And we students have much more important business to attend to , we can use our time more wisely more than being stuck on a screen for a couple of hours only for get a few peices of information and calling it ''education'' and spitting it back out on the test so we will forget. We also post most answers here because most students need help and are in a rush and you never just not know what they are going through. The point is, your job as a teacher is to be there for when someone ask's help for a TEACHER , and not be a whinny jerk and mumble unimportant words and negativity at other students that just want to get a good grade and make their parents proud. Its not called cheating if you have limited time, We would rather spend our time on something else, school is the last thing on our list, and many other's would agree. I have had it with you appearing everywhere i go to this site, atleast change a little for the good.
I feel bad for ms sue she just stated that shes not gonna give someone answers outright and everyones calling her a b-word telling her her names bad like for real mate if you want the answers for free this isnt the website. go to quizlet people post the direct answers and not just letters. ms sue isnt in the wrong here.
Where are y’all getting c for number 12 when number 12 is a true or false question
I made a 100 here are the right answers
10 T
Hello your wrong!!!!!!!!!
Gass dd what were the correct ones
Are these answers for connexus
😭Hey ya'll it's me, it's your boi 🧂😭SaltyTears😭🧂!! I'm doing the test rn and I'll be back soon to post the answers! I know that the test answers are in a different order for everyone (i think) so try your best the look through all the answers and put them in your order!😭👍
1: unperceived
2: mucus
3: having sound happen at the same time as action
4: crazed thoughts
5: showing contempt
6: harsh
7: a teenager deeply interested in engineering, exploring, and creating things
8: he believes that gaming and technology can help grow the brain to expand ones learning
9: people to be free from work
10: cocky
11: Travis shoots him for disrupting history
12: Wolves live in extended families like many humans
13: new computer
14: "Jeremy no longer needed the mouse; he just willed himself to move."
15: Characterization
16: "...Bushnell was hooked and he would sneak into the computer lab late at night to play."
17: in electronics industry as his business structure set the stage for the Silicon Valley business model.
18: others' dialogue about him

Ok then, these are the answers for ME. I don't know if they are the same for you people. The order of the questions might be different, so that's why I put the ANSWER not the LETTER like a. b. c. or d. YOUR WELCOME!!

((please don't attack me if the answers are wrong, they were right for me, they might be different for you. I'm innocent!😭))
Holy cheese and crackers, I forgot to say that these answers, ☝️, are for Connexus Academy. So that might also affect the questions too.

Your boi,
Salty Tears
Damn, i guess I have to do it.
1. unperceived
2. old mutt
3. having sound happen at the same time as action
4.crazed thoughts
5. mysterious
6.Insultingly Disrespectful.
7. a teenager deeply interested in engineering, exploring and creating things.
8. computers hinder the academic performance of many students.
9.people to be free from work.
10. cocky
11.that the travelers have disrupted history.
12. After all, these insects move so gracefuly, and they think with the sophistication of a computer.
13. new computer.
14. Jeremy no longer needed the mouse; He just willed himself to move.
15. his envy of those with physical skills and agility.
16. completely engaged, motivated and excited by the prospect of playing and creating video games.
17. a hands off approach; expecting employees to get work done but staff can work however they see fit.
18. his actions.
For 19 I just said it gives conflicts to the characters they wouldn't have been able to prepare for.
Pass my fellow students, and never forget it was SynBad that helped.
Hi! I know I am late but people are still coming to this question. The essential question of the essay is which story YOU think is better. You do unfortunately have to read them all. Your main goal is to state which story is better and why. For example, if you think "A sound of thunder: Bradbury" is the best, then state why and how. Compare and contrast the stories to find out how.