I really need help on finding the comparsion and contrast of two poets named Andrew Marvell and Matthew Arnold and their Motivition and Method. I been trying for two days now and still have nothing can you help please? Thank You

1 answer

I thing I would start with Arnolds Growing Old with Marvell's Ode to a Coy Mistress

Motivation is a harder one, for that consider the times and life of Marvell, as compared to the same for Arnold



The assignment you have been given is not easy, in fact, hard. It is not easy to form your own conclusions as to motivation of past poets. You cannot depend on what others have said, in fact, the only reliable record is their works. So assume what they wrote speaks to their heart, their motivation.
Try to pick a few poems of each on the same general theme, and see how they compared the view, and how the methods describing that view match up.
This sounds like a great assignment.