I really need help finding all the grammatical errors in the passage below. Look for commas, question marks, capitailzation and colons, semi-colons, commonly misused words. I did most of them I just need help in finishing.

Students also realize that a traditional college requires them to purchase numerous books however, online course provide the majority of their course materials within the virtual classroom. A student may save hundreds of dollars on textbooks during one block of courses.
Additionally online courses are convenient for parents and caregivers. College students who are responsible for children or aging parents must rely on outside help. An online studentis able to avoid the high costs of hiring people to take care of their loved ones.
Lastly, an online student does not have to purchase supplies. Pencils, pens, paper, erasers, backpacks, staplers and paper clips are all needed in traditional courses. The online student needs only one tool to complete their college degree; a home computer. A computer is an online students conduit to class and to all the materials he or she needs.
Franklin D.Roosevelt exclaimed that, "Happiness is not the mere possession of money." He wanted Americans to understand that the joy of achievement is the path to happiness. Yet, even President Roosevelt would agree that earning an online degree is a financially wise decision.

2 answers

Your first sentence is run on. Where do you think you should put a period?

studentis = student is

The rest is fine.
Students also realize that a traditional college requires them to purchase numerous books however, online course provide the majority of their course materials within the virtual classroom. = Run-on

studentis = 2 words

The online student needs only one tool to complete their college degree; a home computer. A computer is an online students conduit to class = 3 errors in there.

Franklin D.Roosevelt exclaimed that, "Happiness is not... = 1 error

Yet, = 1 error