I really need a science teacher to check point 1 and tell me if the rest is possible. Thank you very much!
1) Task organization and information distribution
The various tasks will be divided among participating students according to the logical breakdown of looking at the issues (Can you help me express this sentence??)
Investigation activities will be based on three components: investigation (analyzing problems from different points of view), interaction (activities and skills) and interpretation (presentation of findings in front of the partner students)
3)Cooperative Learning
Student will work in heterogeneous groups to achieve a common task.
4)Problem solving
Students will be asked to find creative solutions to solve scientific operations tests, pre test and final test point (I don’t know if this is possible for aquatic diversity?).
This method includes (will include?) the following activities:
•Understanding the problem
•Gathering information about the problem
•Determining ways of solution
•Preparing report and its evaluation
5)Experimental method
Students will be involved in the following investigating activities:
Systematic observation, measurement, and experiment
Formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses