I really don't understand how to determine which number is greater and which one is smaller can anyone help auorlda ?
2 answers
Please post an example of this question. We can help you better if we have actual numbers to work with.
here is a neat trick
suppose you want to see which is larger
6/11 or 13/27
write them side by side
6/11 13/17
cross multiply , topleft to bottom right first, the the other way, write them side by side
102 143
place the correct > or < symbol between them
102 < 143
so 6/11 < 13/17
Of course since you probably have a calculator handy anyway, why not just change the fraction to a decimal, then decide, How easy is that?
suppose you want to see which is larger
6/11 or 13/27
write them side by side
6/11 13/17
cross multiply , topleft to bottom right first, the the other way, write them side by side
102 143
place the correct > or < symbol between them
102 < 143
so 6/11 < 13/17
Of course since you probably have a calculator handy anyway, why not just change the fraction to a decimal, then decide, How easy is that?