I realized I made a mistake when talking about plastic bags.

I think I should have written "reusable" instead of "disposable". I forgot to include the following sentences.

1) Plastic is one of the worst things for the environment because it isn't biodegradable and is toxic for animals.
Rebecca believes it is more important to have a healthier world, instead of a cheaper, more disposable one.
2) She has contributed to clean up the beach near her town. She believes education is the most important thing to save the environment.
3) Ashlee has decided to get a wallet made from a recycled belt for her father.

1 answer

1) OK

2) She has helped clean up the beach near her town. She believes education is the most important thing to help people realize how important it is to save the environment.

3) For her father, Ashlee has decided to get a wallet made from a recycled belt.
It's really odd to read about a "belt for her father." Keep reading here about modifier placement! http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/modifiers.htm