I read book water for elephants and in it the main character not want to call himself vet cause he not done his final exams. Do yrs of experience, or paper, or both of these things identify individual?

15 answers

Technically, a person can't be a veterinarian until s/he passes tests and becomes certified by the state or province.

Both of paper and experience identify an individual.
thanks very much ms. sue :)

What be legal allegations of this character practising without his papers? He be gone to jail?
He would be illegal if he called himself a vet, but I doubt if he would have gone to jail. He would have ruined his reputation, though, and probably would be barred from ever being an official vet.

By the way, I finished reading this book today. It's fascinating, and I love the ending. :-)
really ms. sue? :D wow you be real fast reader. i read end of chapter 7, and we get questions. but for plot what that mean?
what be meant by line "the whole thing ill u sion" that agust say?

that tell how circus appear to audience and how it appear to him?
The plot is the events that make up a story. The plot of this novel is the memories of an old man who worked in a circus.

The whole thing is an illusion means that what the audience thinks it sees isn't real. When you watch a movie, you're really seeing an illusion, not reality.
thanks very much ms. sue in 7th chapter Y do August walk so vigorously away from main character? What happen when he give his suggestion to him for first time?
He get angry and he be egoistic?
For chapter 7 they hve to kill horse because it be real weak but y it be a major concern for uncle al? Is it cause he be close to it?
You're welcome.

The first time August walks away is when he's going to tell Marlena and Al that the horse needs to be killed.

Which suggestion?
advice about horse i think
The death of the horse concerns Uncle Al because the horse is a star of the show. It will cost a lot of money to buy a new horse that's as good,
It be alright that august give main character lion that hve no teeth to feed?

That be alright cause he not want him to get hurt?
It's a dirty trick, but it seems to be August's way of having fun! I don't agree that it's o.k.

I won't be online much tomorrow and Thursday nights. But I'll be back Friday to help you with this book.
alright thanks very much ms. sue for helping :) hve a good night!
You're very welcome, Mohammad. You have a great night, too.