I put them in order, but am not sure. Please take a look?
Question: Put the following events of the adaptive immune response in the order they occur.
(c) You cut yourself and bacteria enter the wound.
(f) A dendrite near the cut phagocytizes some bacteria and uses MHC proteins to present exogenous antigens from the destroyed bacteria on its surface.
(e) Helper T cells at the lymph node use their T cell receptors to bind the antigens on the surface of the dendrite and bacteria. This triggers the helper T cells to reproduce and to release cytokines.
(a) The antigen-presenting macrophage and some of the bacteria enter the lymph and float down a lymph vessel to the lymph node.
(d) At the site of infection, antibodies neutralize, opsonize, and agglutinate the bacteria. The work of the antibodies makes it easier for the phagocytic cells of the innate immune system to destroy the bacteria. Cytotoxic T cells kill body cells that are infected, leaving scar tissue at the site of the wound.
(b) Cytokines, antibodies, and cytotoxic T cells flow through the blood, activating the other immune cells there that are part of the innate immune response and directing them toward the site of infection. The inflammation triggered by the innate immune response allows these immune cells to enter the infected tissue.
(g) B cells at the lymph node use their B cell receptors to bind to the antigens on the surface of the dendrite and the bacteria. These B cells also bind to the cytokines being produced. This triggers the B cells to reproduce and to start making lots of antibodies. The cytokines also trigger cytotoxic T cells to reproduce.
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