I posted this question yesterday and I
got confused.
The determinant of total energy requirement that may most appropriately
be manipulated in a weight loss program
1. basal metabolic rate
2. physical activity
3. dietary thermogensis
4. body temperature
Is the correct answer #1
basal metabolic rate?
No. you cannot manipulate that. You can however, change physical activity.
I asked you yesterday if the right answer would maybe be 2 or 3.
The right answer is physical activity?
Lana, I don't know what your question means. Bobpursley clearly stated that 2 (physical activity) is the answer, right?
I recommend you reread what I posted yesterday, and today. There are some serious reading comprehension issues going on here.
Do you understand 1 and 3? You really ought to understand those and why they are wrong. Basal means basal: life functions. Thermogenesis? You need to understand how that is related to basal metabolism also. One cannot change basal metabolism unless one stops breathing.