I noticed a few things:

1. when I search for homework help on Google, we're #10 (page 1)!

2. We received so many homework questions yesterday that page 1 and 2, and half of 3, was filled up with questions from Thursday.

3. 99% of the students who post are receiving GREAT help, and not just direct answers. This is wonderful.

As always please contact me if you have any other suggestions for improvement.

sorry i just wanted to know if you were hispanic because of your name...

I agree.

Good students with good questions.

Really good tutors with a nice variety of teaching styles.

Nice teamwork!


I agree. The volume has picked up tremendously. The word must be spreading. Kudos to my colleagues

I'm proud to be working with such a knowledgable, friendly, and conscientious team! Hooray for our students and our teachers!

I enjoy "playing in the sandpile" at Jishka. The ambience and commaradarie are definitely positive. <G> Which is my way of saying, Y'all do good work, and I am glad I came.

Which reminds me of something that happened to me last Sunday. I took a friend to a concert last Sunday night and she asked me what I had done all day. I responded that I had spent most of the day answering questions on the Jiskha boards. She told me I wasn't supposed to work on Sunday. I told her I was playing, not working. LOL.

LOl, that's about the way I've looked at this too. It's awfully humbling when I can't answer questions from 5th grade math though, lol!
Doing 1st yr calc. questons, some of which I haven't seen in 20 plus yrs, is really quite fun though.
Kudos to Jiskha