Here are posts regarding this very question asked here previously. There are also some variations.
Read thoroughly.
I need to write an informative message,positive message,negative message, and persuasive message. any suggestions??? These have to be business related
2 answers
An informative message could be about a meeting for all sales reps. It should state the purpose of the meeting, date, time, and place. An informative message could announce the addition of a new staff member.
A positive message could boast about sales or profits increases. Another positive message could be about an increase in employee benefits or the addition of new employees.
A negative message could be about a decline in sales or profits, a decrease in benefits, or the laying off of employees.
A persuasive message could exhort employees to work smarter and harder to meet the company's quarterly goals.
A positive message could boast about sales or profits increases. Another positive message could be about an increase in employee benefits or the addition of new employees.
A negative message could be about a decline in sales or profits, a decrease in benefits, or the laying off of employees.
A persuasive message could exhort employees to work smarter and harder to meet the company's quarterly goals.