I need to write a proposal outline, can you please check the aims and objectives. Thanks,

Project for vocational school for disadvantadged teenagers

The objectives of the project are to prepare teens for jobs later in life by providing them with training in skills such as computer literacy, English, and daily living skills.
The project also would provide the some teens with a place to live during their training.

How it would work:
The program would run for a year, offering students the possibility to learn on the job skills such as math, English, and computer literacy. The students would also be able to learn life skills, including time management, banking, organizational skills, as well as cooking, cleaning and the necessary skills needed to live independently.

After completing 8 months of training, students will be assigned to businesses as interns, where they will have an opportunity to puttheir new learned skills into practice. Students would be provided with a small allowance and a place to live during their internships.

The students will be taught by professional staff from around the city and other areas. Volunteers will also provide training to the students.

There will be a few places for those students requiring accomodation. Their meals and lodging will be taken care of by the program. Other students will commute daily to and from the program.