I need to write 1,000 words which focuses upon how the denotation, connotation and/or level of diction found in the majority of the italicized words plays against the level of diction found in most of the rest of the poem.

Unfortunately, I don't know what this poem is supposed to be about, so I can't.

I think the poem is about suicide because of the end but what is the army and the band all about? Why is this guy playing all these instruments?

March for a One Man Band
by David Wagoner (1983)

He’s *a boom a blat* in the uniform
Of an army *tweedledy* band *a toot*
Complete with medals *a honk* cornet
Against *a thump* one side of his lips
And the other stuck with *a sloop a tweet*
A whistle *a crash* on top of *a crash*
A helmet *a crash* a cymbal a drum
At his *bumbledy* knee and a *rimshot* flag
*A click* he stands at attention *a wheeze *
And plays the Irrational Anthem *bang*

An asterisk indicates an italicized word.

1 answer

What do you guys think?????