I need to select any writer and come up with five good questions.

Example: Edgar Allen Poe
1. What was Poe's early life like?
2. What became of the women in his life?
3. What is tuberculosis and how does it kill people?
4. Was Poe mentally ill?
5. What poem or short story will I focus on?

I have chosen to write about Dr. Seuss. Any suggestions?

*The questions need to reflect upon the writer and his/her works. Also, analyze the writer's work's in relation to his/her life.*

3 answers

What do you want to know about Theodor Seuss Geise?
Basically how works are inspired. Something similar to the example shown.
Good question. How did he come up with some of these weird characters? Did they appear in dreams? Were they imaginative variations of real people?