I need to prove that Hamlet cares about/loves his mother or cared about her/loved her at one point.

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "Hamlet mother love" to get these possible sources:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

But none of those show that Hamlet cares about his mother.

go to no fear shakespeare this should help!

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Title: Hamlet and the oedipal complex
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Hamlet and the oedipal complex
(approximately 1200 word essay)
The oedipal complex is a theory formed by Sigmund Freud, stating that
individuals have a repressed desire for sexual involvement with the parent of
the opposite sex while feeling rivalry with the parent of the same sex. There
is much evidence in the play that suggests Hamlet is a victim of the oedipal
Hamlet is an emotionally complex character. In the beginning of the play,
Hamlet is grieving over his father's death. Hamlet's mother has been
remarried to Hamlet's uncle. After a visit from a ghost who tells Hamlet that
his father has been murdered by his uncle, Hamlet becomes obsessed with
avenging his father's death. Hamlet also is repulsed by his mother's
marriage to his uncle. This act was considered immoral in Hamlet's time.
Furthermore, in the beginning of the play when Hamlet is reciting his first
soliloquy, he makes many references to his disgust in his mother when she
is with other men. "Must I remember? Why, she would hang on him, as if
increase of appetite had grown." He says this of his deceased father. He
does not want to remember how his mother hung on his father, as if to
satisfy some great appetite, a need for his love. He tells that his mother
married his uncle with "most wicked speed," to "incestuous sheets." He then
continues, "It is not nor it cannot come to good; But break, my heart; for I
must hold my tongue."
Hamlet must keep quiet about his feelings and it tears him apart. Hamlet
decides to fake madness to the king and queen in order to act out his
revenge. Hamlet finds that what his mother has done is nearly an
unforgivable sin. He is driven to proceed with his plan of murder because he
sees it as the only way to lift the burden of his mother's sin and break up the
incestuous marriage.
Hamlet has an Oedipus complex and there is much evidence for it.
Throughout the play, there are several hints that the young prince suffers
from the Oedipus complex. Claudius is quoted, (1)"The queen his mother
lives almost by his looks," (Hamlet IV.vii.11-12) revealing a sense of
closeness between Hamlet and his mother. This also reveals the need for
Hamlet in his mother's life. Although Hamlet does love his mother, he is able
to fall in love with Ophelia. Quite possibly, Hamlet saw qualities in Ophelia
that resembled those of his mother, which would explain the early attraction
between the two. Other more striking evidence is visible when the ghost or
old Hamlet commands young Hamlet to, (1)"Let thy soul contrive against thy
mother." (Hamlet I.v.85-86) In this scene the ghost is trying to make sure
that Hamlet keeps his impulses controlled, and will carefully plan a course of
action upon his mother.
The most important key to understanding Hamlet's true feelings is the
"Closet Scene" or Act 3 Scene 4, in which the ghost reappears in order to
prevent Hamlet from enacting his childhood fantasies with his mother
Gertrude. Without this scene, it would seem unlikely that Shakespeare had
any intentions of suggesting an Oedipal relationship between Hamlet and his
mother. Young Hamlet finally decides to confront his mother, and is
extremely upset by the situation. However, instead of talking about his
mother's second marriage to his uncle, or her possible involvement in the
killing of his father, Hamlet decides to focus on his mother's sexuality.
Hamlet is obviously disgusted with his mother. He speaks very sexually in
regards to her relationship with Claudius. The significance of this scene being
set in the queens 'bedroom' is very important, as Hamlet makes many
references to beds in the scene: "In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed /
Stew'd"(Hamlet III.iv.93-96), meaning sweaty and semen-stained, like a
prostitutes bed. This sexual language implies that Hamlet could well be
talking to a future lover, when it is in fact his own mother. 'Bedrooms' are
private, and conventionally places of sexual activity, so Shakespeare may
well have deliberately presented the two on the bed, or in the bedroom, to
suggest their sexual relationship.
This speech serves as a very effective means of unnerving his mother.
Hamlet's mother is quite distraught at this point and asks him how to handle
the situation. Instead of Hamlet inquiring about his father's death, he orders
her to cease her incestuous relationship with Claudius. "Not this, by no
means, that I bid you do: Let the bloat king tempt you again to bed"
(Hamlet III.iv.183-184). This possessive instruction represents Hamlet's
ideal relationship with his mother, one where there is no sexual attention
given to the father figure. These scenes in particular expose Hamlet's lustful
feelings for his mother.
Hamlet's feelings towards women expand beyond the specific feelings for his
mother. Hamlet loses all faith in women because he feels that his mother
has too quickly forgotten his father. The scene where he tells Ophelia "get
thee to a nunnery !" is provoked by the betrayal he feels from his mother and
then Ophelia when she lies to him about where her father is. Hamlet loves
his mother very much but is simply angered by her hasty marriage to
Claudius and perhaps even the incest that appears to be involved in the
matter. Hamlet loved his father and may even suspect that Claudius and
Gertrude had affairs before his untimely death. This provokes Hamlet to
believe that all women are frail of judgment and weak of mind.
Every son loves his mother consciously and tries to please her.
Subconsciously, Hamlet is motivated by an oedipal urge, to sleep with his
mother for various reasons. First, Hamlet had lost the love of his life Ophelia,
which sends him into anger mode that has to be exerted somehow. This
happens to be desire for his mother, the next love in his life. Secondly,
Freud's theory helps us realize that Hamlet's mind has a conscious level and
a subconscious level. Lastly, Freud helps us to understand Hamlet's
motivations and actions towards his mother by going to her for support.
Hamlet might have really been going to his mother for reasons more
intricate than that. This all proves that Shakespeare figured out the human
mind before the father of psychology was even born.
In conclusion, one of the most puzzling elements of William Shakespeare's
Hamlet has been the personality of Hamlet himself. Although he receives
supernatural assurance that his uncle Claudius has murdered his father, and
although he can see with his own eyes that Claudius has hastened to marry
his own sister-in-law (Hamlet's mother), Hamlet still seems incapable of
deciding what to do. Should he leave Denmark and resume his studies?
Should he take the place as heir apparent that Claudius offers? Should he kill
Claudius? When we focus on the personality of Hamlet itself, at least part of
the puzzle is solved. Even though Hamlet was written long before Freud was
born, Shakespeare has given us an accurate portrait of a man paralyzed by
oedipal guilt. In short, Hamlet's personality has three crucial elements -- his
indecision, his hasty actions, and his oedipal complex.
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