I need to prepare a short summary on the feminist movement for tomorrow. Can someone check it, please? Thank you very much in advance.

1) In October 1903, Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) – a militant organization campaigning for women’s suffrage in the United Kingdom. Limiting its membership to women only, the suffrage group included many working-class women.
2) Emmeline's daughters Christabel and Sylvia were both active in the cause. The group published its own newspaper, naming it Suffragette after the derogatory nickname given to suffragists by the press.
3) The “suffragettes”, as they were called, wanted women to have the vote and soon won massive publicity for their cause. They believed in “Deeds not Words”.
4) The WSPU adopted the slogan "Votes For Women" and selected green, white, and purple as their official colors, symbolizing respectively, hope, purity, and dignity.
5) In point of fact, the suffragettes had to face old stereotypes (prejudices?): the press ridiculed them, their meetings were held in the midst of people’s indifference and hostility and the police attacked them both physically and verbally.
6) In her journal Emmeline points out the differences between male and female education. Her parents discussed the question of her brother’s education as a matter of real importance.
7) In contrast, her own education and that of her sister were scarcely discussed at all. In point of fact, female education mainly aimed at making one’s home as comfortable as possible.

1 answer

5) Both are correct, but "prejudices" is more precise.

A comma is needed after hostility.