I need to prepare a cash flow statement and determine total cash inflows and total cash outflows.
Rent for the month $650
Monthly take home salary $1,950
Cash in checking account $450
Savings account balance $1,890
Spending for food $345
Balance of educational loans $2,160
Current value of automobile $7,800
Telephone bill paid for the month $65
Credit card balance $235
Loan payment $80
Auto insurance $230
Household posessions $3,400
Stereo equipment $2,350
Payment for electricity $90
Lunches/parking at work $ 180
Donations $70
Home computer $1,500
Value of stock investment $860
Clothing purchase $110
Restaraunt spending $130
Here is what I have thus far
Income (cash inflows)
Salary $1,950
Stock investment $860
Cash Outflows
Fixed Expenses
Rent $650
Telephone $65
Loan payment $80
Auto insurance $230
Total fixed outflows $375
Variable Expenses
Lunches/parking at work $180
Restaurant spending $130
Clothing $110
Donations $70
Electricity $90
Food $345
I need some help categorizing the remaining expenses. Thanks in advance for your help
1 answer
Cash in checking acct- $450
Savings acct balance- $1,890
Balance of educational loan - $2,160
Current value of automobile - $7,800
Credit card balance - $235
Household posessions - $3,400
Stereo Equipment - $2,350
Home computer - $1,500
*** I can do the cash flow statement however, I need help deciding where to place these entries***