I need to make this into two paragraphs and make it a little longer. I am drawing a blank. Can someone please help me.

My study habits consist of reading aloud, note taking and last minute cramming. The reading aloud and note taking have always worked well for me. Last minute cramming hasn’t work very well. I seem to always draw a blank on test day. I found while reading the chapter on study habits, that there are ways to improve my ways of studying and why I should stop doing the last minute cramming. I also found SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Recall/Review) to be very resourceful. I intend to apply what I have learned to better my studying habits.

6 answers

I've already corrected this once.

Please find it and repost, with corrections.
Yes you did which I am extremely grateful. :) But now I need to make it longer and into two paragraphs. I am drawing a blank as to what to add to complete the task.
Michelle, related to this question, but not addressing your need, is some knowledge about your learning style. You probably will find this insightful.


and related to SQ3R, you need to explore a structured notetaking (ie, google Cornell Notetaking), which will help you greatly in classes, if you bother to do the work to get that system down.
If you post in the SAME name, it's easier to find your own work!


Now ... follow Bob's advice.
Thanks... And Post in the same name? If your referring my husbands posting yesterday that he used my account. I apologizes for that. It wasn't me. Thanks again for the help. And it does help. Have a great day!!!
You're welcome.