Which guidelines are you using?
or what?
I need to know how to in-text citations using websites, is there any one that could explain this to me in plain english? All the websites I have found have confused me even more. Thank you.
6 answers
OK, I'm giving you this link in case you don't already have it. Be sure to save it to your favorites/bookmarks. It's very easy to use. The list at the left is the table of contents.
You need to have each source of information cited in TWO places:
A. the References page that is placed after the last page of your paper, and
B. in parentheses in the text of your paper, immediately after the quotation or paraphrase.
For example, this would go on the References page (with proper indentation for the second and following lines):
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A list apart: For people who make websites, 149. Retrieved from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving
... and this would go immediately after the quotation or whatever:
(Bernstein, 2002)
The information in parentheses in the text needs to be as brief as possible. That's why there's a References page – for all the details of the listing.
OK, I'm giving you this link in case you don't already have it. Be sure to save it to your favorites/bookmarks. It's very easy to use. The list at the left is the table of contents.
You need to have each source of information cited in TWO places:
A. the References page that is placed after the last page of your paper, and
B. in parentheses in the text of your paper, immediately after the quotation or paraphrase.
For example, this would go on the References page (with proper indentation for the second and following lines):
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A list apart: For people who make websites, 149. Retrieved from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/writeliving
... and this would go immediately after the quotation or whatever:
(Bernstein, 2002)
The information in parentheses in the text needs to be as brief as possible. That's why there's a References page – for all the details of the listing.
Ok I think I got it now. Thank you so much I really appreciate it.
If you will post what you have for your paper -- mainly the References page, but also the in-text citations if they confuse you -- I'll check them over tomorrow. Take your time, and follow the examples given on that Purdue OWL website.
You're very welcome!