Assuming that you are not restricted by the laws of confidentiality that apply to health workers, the law does not prohibit you from telling others.
Even so, you need to evaluate why you are telling others. Such disclosures might lead to problems with employment, social rejection and other areas for the HIV+ person. However, if there is a high likelihood of contagion by sexual activity, sharing needles or other means, you might want to tell the others involved.
Rather than violating confidentiality, if possible, it would be better to offer the HIV+ person the option of revealing his/her condition to others who might be affected.
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I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
I need to know about confidentiality of a person living with H.I.V.I would like to know if u know a person that is living with this virus can u tell others about this person.Is their any law that prohibits me of this
1 answer