I need to identify the gerund or gerund phrase and identify it as a subject, a predicate noun, a direct object, or an object of a preposition. Or identify the sentence as one with no gerund. I need help with the following sentences.

1. It was time for sleeping.

2. But tossing in bed was all that 14-year old Jenny could do.

3. Why won't that dog stop barking, she thought?

4. Soon she was poring over a story by Edgar Allen Poe.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Sandi (8th grader)

4 answers

1. "Sleeping" is the gerund, object of the preposition "for."

2. "Tossing" is the gerund, subject.

What do you think are the answers to 3 and 4?
I’m not sure. I need help on this.
All great anwsers.
Why won't that dog stop barking, she thought?