I need to find the tested and published pH values of the following solutions:

(1) 1.0 M NaCl
(2) 1.0 M sodium acetate
(3) 1.0 M sodium sulfate
(4) 1.0 M Sodium Bisulfate
(5) 1.0 M Sodium Carbonate
(6) 1.0 M Ammonium Chloride\

Is there a reliable MSDS program, I can find the pH values.

1 answer

I would calculate all of them but that doesn't take into account all of the variables. I don't know of any program (computer program that is) nor group. Frankly, I think you could make up these six solutions fairly quickly, then measure them with a pH meter IF (and that's a big IF) you can find water that is suitable as a solvent. I don't know of many water supplies which will give you a pH of 7.0 for water.