I need to explain the ethcial frameworks used in the movie "A Time to Kill."

8 answers

If you haven't seen the movie, see the dscussion and synopsis at

I am not sure what is meant by "ethical frameworks"
I know all about the movie. It is the ethical framework part that I do not understand. When I say ethical framework I am talking about Utilitarianism, Ethics of virture, Ethics of care, Egoism, and so on.

As you can see from these search results, other students have posted this identical question -- and you can judge for yourself if the responses they got are worth considering.

I think the point of the assignment is for YOU to consider the different "ethical frameworks" defined in your course and then THINK about how these are or are not reflected in this particular movie.

Let us know what you decide.
I guess I am just having a hard time figuring out which ethical framework was used in this movie. I don't really understand the differences in the ethical frameworks and so I am not asking for the answers to my homework just a little better understanding of which ones are used in this movie to lead me in the right direction.
If you can list them and define them as they have been defined in your coursework, one of us may be able to help you figure it out.
Here are the choices of types of ethical frameworks and the defintion that is given in the book.

Ethical formalism is a deontological system because the important determinant
for judging whether an act is moral is not its consequence, but only the
motive or intent of the actor.

Utilitarianism is a teleological ethical system: what is good is determined by
the consequences of the action. Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), a major proponent
of utilitarianism, believed that the morality of an action should be determined
by how much it contributes to the good of the majority.

In the natural law ethical system, there is a universal set of rights and wrongs
that is similar to many religious beliefs, but there is no reference to a specific
supernatural figure.

The ethics of virtue instead asks the question,“What is a good person?”This
ethical system rejects the approach that one might use reason to discover what
is good. Instead, the principle is that to be good, one must do good.

The ethics of care is another ethical system that does not depend on universal
rules or formulas to determine morality. The emphasis is on human relationships
and needs.

Very simply, egoism postulates that what is good for one’s survival and personal
happiness is moral.
1. Only motives count. If the person being tried had unquestionable motives, he should be found innocent of a crime. Is that right?

2. "The ends justify the means." It doesn't matter what the motives were; only the end result matters, regardless of the defendant's actions or motives. Were the results of the crime good for society overall?

3. How do the father's motives and actions fit into this universal set of rights and wrongs? Did he commit wrong acts even though some people may think he was justified?

4. Is the father basically a good person who normally did good works, but who got caught up in a set of circumstances and reacted ... how? The way others in the society would react? How does killing other people constitute a way in which one does "good"?

5. The father is thinking and acting in reaction to the atrocities committed against his little daughter. Will the jury care? Will it make any difference in the set of laws in which this man is expected to live?

So the jury, judge, lawyers, and others would consider only the father's motives if you look at all this through the lens of "ethical formalism." Think about how all these people will think and act within each of the other four, and decide which one(s) you think is (are) at work here. Considering the jury's verdict, what do you think happened here?
It is asking what the exact ethical delimma of the movie was and how it was resolved which is confusing also. I thought the ethical delimma was that he was not mental insane but was using that as his defense, but that was not resolved really. Do you see a ethical delimma that was resolved in the movie? And thanks for the examples above that helped on that part of the assignment.